paid Inflation • 2 min read PPI Not As Hot As CPI Today's PPI report threw some cold water on yesterday's hotter-than-expected CPI. Our opinion is that the…
paid Inflation • 3 min read The Last Mile Will the Fed start raising the federal funds rate again? We expect to be hearing this question more often following…
paid Economic Survey • 2 min read Will Depressed Small Business Owners Depress The Economy? Stocks marked time today, while bonds rallied after the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) released its March survey of…
public Week Ahead • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: April 8 - 12 This week will feature some key inflation numbers. The March headline CPI (Wed) and PPI (Mar) will get a boost…
paid Survey • 2 min read Rolling Recoveries In Manufacturing & Retailing The rolling recessions in manufacturing and retailing are turning into rolling recoveries. That's our conclusion based on today&…
paid Employment • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: April 1 - 5 The first week of the month is always jampacked with economic indicators. In addition, at least one member of the…
public GDP • 2 min read Sweet Economic Indicators Today's batch of economic indicators was mostly sweet. Q4's real GDP was revised from 3.2%…
paid Fed • 2 min read Market Call: The Fed Put Is Back Last week, the FOMC released its latest quarterly Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) for March. Compared to December's…
paid Week Ahead • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: March 25 - 29 The most important economic indicator for the week ahead will be February's PCED inflation rate, which comes out…
paid Retail Sales • 2 min read The Pause That Refreshes Spooks Investors The vertical momentum rally that started on October 27, 2023 seems to be losing some of its momentum. Maybe. That&…
public Labor Market • 2 min read Goldilocks Without The Bears Every now and then, the economy is widely described as being a "Goldilocks" economy. Like Goldilocks' preferred…