May 31, 2023 1 min read

Dr Ed's Video Webcast 5/31/23

Dr Ed's Video Webcast 5/31/23

Why is economic growth seemingly defying gravity, or at least the gravitational pull of the Fed’s tightening measures over the past year and change? It’s not that the rules of business-cycle physics are defunct. Rather, the pandemic has added new forces to the equation, with distortive effects. Eight unusual forces are acting as shock absorbers to keep the economy from sinking into the widely expected recession.

Today, we examine each, including the amount of liquidity in the economy, the uncommonly strong labor market, productivity-enhancing technological advancements ushering in the “Roaring 2020s,” and well-heeled Baby Boomers consuming like there’s no tomorrow.

Below is exclusive early access to Dr Ed's Webcast for paid members. This post and video will open to the public on a later date.
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