paid Week Ahead • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: December 18 - 22 On Wednesday, at his presser, Fed Chair Jerome Powell sounded more dovish. So bond and stock prices continued to rally…
paid Deep Dive • 3 min read DEEP DIVE: The Fed - Tightening Or Merely Normalizing? Based on November’s employment report released on Friday, we can safely conclude that there is still no sign of…
public Fed • 2 min read Bond & Stock Prices In Mini Meltup Over Soft Landing Investors are obviously relieved that the economy may be on a sustainable soft-landing path and might avoid a recession (again)…
paid Video Webcasts • 1 min read Dr Ed's Video Webcast 12/14/23 The economy has proven resilient, defying all the reasons it shouldn’t be, to which diehard hard landers still cling.…
paid FOMC • 3 min read Stock & Bond Prices Flying With The Fed's Doves Today's Summary of Economic Projections (SEP) released by the FOMC after the committee's meeting was dovish.…
paid S&P 500 Earnings • 2 min read S&P 500 Earnings At Record High Yippee! S&P 500 operating earnings per share rose to a record high in Q3, for the first time…
public Emerging Markets • 2 min read Continue To Underweight Commodities & Emerging Markets In Global Portfolios The global economy is growing, but at a slow pace. Much of the weakness is attributable to the recessions in…
paid Bull Market • 3 min read A Christmas Market For The Bull? S&P 500 At 6000 In 2025? Christmas is in two weeks. This year's Santa Claus rally started early, i.e., on October 27. Will…
paid Week Ahead • 2 min read The Economic Week Ahead: December 11 - 15 The big event of the week will be the FOMC meeting (Tue & Wed) followed by Fed Chair Jerome Powell&…
paid Deep Dive • 3 min read DEEP DIVE: Construction Is Booming! The US economy has been remarkably resilient in the face of the Fed’s aggressive tightening of monetary policy since…
public S&P 500 • 2 min read Another Bowl Of Mixed Nuts The S&P 500 is consolidating its gains since the October 27 bottom. In recent days, its been trading…
paid Inflation • 2 min read Productivity Revised Up The stock market marked time again today with the S&P 500 remaining around 4550. The 10-year Treasury bond…